How to Embrace Your Uniqueness: A Journey to Self-Acceptance and Fulfillment"

Do you find it tough to fit in with society ? Do you have feelings of uncomfort, of being an emotional mismatch and probably  lacking  self- confidence ?



Here are 7 pointers of how to fix this awkward feeling :


1.    Accepting your individuality can change and shape your future, unblock some everyday issues and support you to GROW, THRIVE AND BLOSSOM.


2.    Accept that you are a TOTALLY UNIQUE person. Not even a family member could be a copy of you. This is an AWESOME thought ! See this as adding value to, and putting emphasis on your uniqueness and who YOU are.


3.     Be GRATEFUL for your distinctiveness which is a combination of many  influential factors, e.g. your genetics, experiences, upbringing, education, environment, culture, personality traits and many more.


4.     Acceptance of your authenticity can open up a wonderful fulfilling life to LIVE, while trying to fit in can drain your energy and WITHHOLD you from growing.


5.     The hardest step is to make that MINDSHIFT of exceptance. Think of this human being you are as being a MIRACLE.  


6.     Stay authentic and true to yourself. Employ your complete distinctiveness and strengths to make an IMPRESSION and an IMPACT on the world. 


7.     RELAX ! You have so much to offer to the world. 


Remember this profound quote by Ian Wallace: Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?”




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