Do you feel bored, stuck? 10 Ideas to inspire you and help you grow 🪴


Do you feel BORED or STUCK?

10 Ideas  to inspire you and help you grow 🪴

Yesterday, the last Sunday in March, we switched over to Daylight Saving Time (DST) here in the Northern hemisphere.
Simply put, that’s when the clock ‘jumps forward’ one hour from Standard time during the night. 
Later this year, on the last Sunday in October, we will jump back an hour again.

Actually this changing happens seamlessly during the night between the last Saturday and Sunday, almost without notice. For us it means that we can make better use of natural daylight.
And so it is with a lot of changes in our lives. We have our own internal seasons,  rhythms and clocks, and we change year by year, while we are busy LIVING!
Then, one day, we realize how life has moved on and we feel left behind, bored, stuck. 
The point I want to make is that one should keep up with life and renewing yourself all the time, like nature shows us. Don’t get left behind and left out. Keep on growing. 
Here are a few tips to help you live in the present while also moving forward. 
You may be surprised what this perception will inject into your life: 
1. First, open your mind to a new, more current, up to date lifstyle.  It’s very easy to stay in one’s comfort zone. Try to  make an intentional decision to break out of the mould.

2. Have daily habits and routines to give you a sense of purpose that makes you feel purposeful and worthy.

3. Make new friends if possible.

4.  Come into the habit of daily discarding  stuff  that’s no longer useful or have had better days. I promise you you will find something every day if you put your mind to this simple task.

5. Learn a new  language, or craft, any skill. Duolingo is free and is a really fun way to learn a new language or brush up a previous effort (like school German)

6. Try new foods and recipes. You have to cook daily, just put in a little more effort. 

7. Be curious. Google new words, places, concepts, etc. to keep current about things around you. 

8.  Try to keep in vogue with fashion ideas, eg.  trendy colours, of which you may already own something, or a new hairstyle – you have to cut hair anyway, or experiment with new outfit combos. No cost involve here.

9. How about exploring  new music genres? You may not like everything, but you will be better educated and who knows, you may discover something very pleasant. Spotify is a great app to explore some new music genres.

10. Hang out with like-minded friends who are good resources  for fresh ideas to inspire you.  Invite them to try something new with you.

I hope you feel inspired to start a new and fun project or hobby. Do it for your own good and enjoyment. You brain will also love you for it. 
Please leave a comment and tell us about it.
Keep sparkling!







