A tool to help you gain a new perspective on sticky issues.


This is an original painting, before and after the new frame. 
See the post inspiration comments at the end of the post. 

Hello dear ladies.

Have you ever seen how a painting undergo a complete transformational makeover just by having it re-framed?

All of a sudden, it's as if its beauty comes alive or it has been illuminated by a new light?

You may see:  

  • certain colors show up better and brighter 
  • the picture may look more contemporary
  • the frame may bring out some other elements or 
  • emphasize colors you haven’t even noticed before.

Most of the time the change and impact can be so remarkable and stunning that you may ask yourself why you haven’t done the reframing a long time ago!



Reframing is also a valuable coaching tool and a technique used by coaches to help clients overcome their issues and obstacles by seeing it differently.  

Reframing is a way to focusto saysee or believe something in a new and fresh way. In other words, reframing may Shift your Mind to help you Think differently about the life issue at hand. When you feel that mental shift, if will probably also benefit your total well-being.


How can reframing help your development and growth?


1   Clarifying your main problem:


The purpose of the reframing exercise is to help you see your issue more clearly, as if under a looking glass or more elevated, as is obvious in my newly framed painting.


2.    Saving you time and trouble:


When you are able to see deeper into the matter and from a new viewpoint, you will probably experience a mind shift that enables you to find a solution easier and reach your answer quicker

This mind shift will almost have the effect of giving you more mind space to fill with new thoughts.


   Feeling free and less stressed:


When you see things from a new perspective you may experience less stress or anxiety and feel more motivated and inspired to make some changes. 

This in turn, will allow you to speed up your progress and growth. 

Even if your problem is only partially resolved, you will already feel more freedom and courage to tackle the path ahead.


4.    Growing quicker:


The reframing experience can offer you a powerful growth spurt in your personal development journey. 

Your current issue may just be that ONE big stumbling block that keeps you back from thriving and growing. 

So, by reframing and changing this one situation, may help you blossom abundantly!



When you confront a big decision, you often need to view the facts closely from all sides. You may find that you have some blind spots when you are entangled in the situation and may not trust your own judgement or may not even be aware of your blind spots.


HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES of what people often need help with: 

1.   When making big decisions:


You may be at a crossroad in your career development journey. You may struggle with questions like: Do I have to find a more rewarding job? Is it best to resign or should I study further or new?


2.    Dilemmas at work.


You may have a negative awareness and misconception about a colleague or a boss which could block your relationship and communication and you want or need to resolve this issue. 

By reframing the issue, and probably with the help of communicating about it, you may clear it out of the way completely.  

3.    Having a negative self-believe.


Reframing can also be helpful when you have a negative self-awareness, but your mind-set may be blocked by a totally false realization. 

It could be that you compare yourself unfairly to others and you feel that you are not enough, don't have enough, don't earn enough. 

A new narrative may be useful in this case. 


4.    Self-confidence issues


Comparing yourself to others, even to unknown people on social media, could easily lead to self-confidence issues

In this case reframing can be applied to help open your eyes to see yourself in a new picture frame or beautifully framed mirror.  

This new mind frame will boost your self-confidence.


5.    Changing your old habits


It is easy to stay stuck in one’s old habits, for e.g. you want to lead a healthier lifestyle and you struggle to set healthy eating and exercising patterns and habits. 

By starting to realize the negative long-term results and effects on your body and mind, reframing could make it easier to help you change your old habits for the better. 

You can of course apply reframing to any habits you want to work on.




1. I don’t like my hands and short fingers.


Reframe: "I am a good pianist who help others developing their talents through my teaching and gives joy to people when I perform to them.''

By seeing the value of your hands in a new light, may let you change your negative view of your hands.


2. I don’t like my job/boss/current home.


Reframe: "None of these things are responsible for my happiness. I have choices. I can make changes, but I need to be brave and take the steps."

Coming to the realization that you have choices and that you may be in a position to do something about it, a new light could go up and a feeling of contentment and confidence to actually take steps to change the situation.

3. I am not good at my job. I doubt my abilities.

Reframe:  I am a valuable person and employee. I am good in .... and ....

I just need to focus on and sharpen the other skills. I can do that! 

Through positive self-talk, your mind can make a huge shift and start seeing the real person you truly are and what you actually mean to the world.


Reframing is a technique that can open your mind to get hurdles out of the way by means of a new perspective. It can empower you to make changes that are in your way and holding you back from growing, flourishing and blooming.


If you need a new perspective on anything in your life, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

About this post and painting: 

This coaching post was inspired by a painting I received as a birthday present from a dear friend. This painting was done by her mother, who was a well-known South African painter, Tessa (1928-2000)

The frame was not in the best condition anymore, and I had it reframed. Unfortunately, I didn't take a good 'Before' picture as I didn't realize what a big difference it will make! 

Apologies for both photos, the second one is still in its 'After makeover' wrapping and in storage at the moment.
